Writing and Publishing blog is the easiest way to earn money but it is only possible through proper guidance. It is important to know what to write and what not. Every blogger struggle in their initial stage as they don't know which topic they have to choose although after facing some successful and failure experiences, they get to know exactly what they have to deliver. Sharing link on social sites like facebook will help to increase hits for limited time till your post goes hidden/obsolete. There is only way to increase hits on blog is to write blog which is unique and needed(most important) to your target audience.
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Key points to remember while writing blog
- Write Less, Deliver More
- Add images instead of writing to convey message wherever possible
- Font or Background colour should not be too dark or too light
- Polite and Positive tone of content helps you to make reader engage in your content
Top Blogs Category
According to Google search report in both worldwide and India, food related topics are in high demand. Moreover, food also covers under health related topics. Hence, there are more chances that your blog gains popularity in short span of time. In India: Goa, Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Karnataka and Daman and Diu are the top five states for food search. It is recommended to make video, if you want your blog growth at high pace. -
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