There are lot of questions arises when you are in
your final year like what to do after B.Tech: Job or Higher Studies? If Higher
Studies, then from where abroad or with in native country? Apart from these
questions biggest question stuck in our mind MBA or MTech/ME?
: Exam for M.Tech
o CAT : Exam for MBA
o GRE : Especially to get Admission in MS but
some colleges/universities allow for MBA too.
: Exam for MBA
M.Tech and B.Tech same?
You heard from many there is no difference between
MTech and Btech. "All MTech and BTech students sits in same class
to study" this statement is totally correct. So, now question arises why
should I pursue MTech? M.Tech is not for those who have done their B.Tech from
elite5 , tier1 or tier2 engineering colleges in India. Therefore, if you are
really interested in doing M.Tech and belongs to tier1 or 2 then simply go for
dual degree. For those, who belongs to tier3 colleges M.Tech is totally different for
you as in tier3 colleges we only taught those subjects only whose professors are
available in college and sufficient to get engineering degree. If you are confused
whether M.Tech and B.Tech is same or not that confusion is over now as it
depends on college you belong.
earns more MBA or Mtech?
It depends in which company you are working and at
what position. Generally, MBA have higher salary but it does not mean that
Mtech have less. Whatever your position in company you always controlled by
your manager, sad but true. Opportunities neither less in MBA nor in MTech.
Don’t think of money, just pursue your Interest in both fields you earn enough
If you are inclined towards technology and belongs
to tier3 colleges then without any single thought go for MTech. Pursue MTech
over job if and only if you get top college otherwise not. In MTech you will
going to learn new subjects and experience too. Mostly it is difficult to get
job in product based companies if you are not belongs to top college. Experience
does not matter while placement but it will give you an upper edge over other
at the time of interview. While studying you will get Rs 12,400 per month as
scholarship. Therefore,you have not to worry about your fees. Moreover, you get
an exposer how to teach students as you become TA (Teaching Assistant). It also
add as Experience in your resume although it doesn't play vital role but help
you to look different from others in a long time. There are lot of other
advantages too like at that time you are mature enough what subjects are good
for you and what are not, your peers are also experienced hence at that time you
are not among the group who have same mindset as many of your peers are from
different states and have experience in different domains. You also achieve
position what MBA students achieves but after experience.
If you are not inclined towards technology, bored
with coding stuffs and want to try new domain. MBA is completely a different
domain for you if you have done engineering and never participated in
co-curricular activities (like societies/fests/events). In MBA, most important
role play marketing skills there are others too. You are going to increase your
contacts (i.e. personal relationships) with companies. You have advantage if
you have done engineering as there are IT companies which are looking for
BTech+MBA combination as you can interact with client as well as back-end Team
with an ease, moreover you can understand and convey technology better. You are
not limited to IT domain companies, whereas MTech are! Your position in company
is always above MTech (comparing both at fresher's level) students.Other
benefits you can easily found on other websites.
To write this blog is to remove confusion from your
mind what to do next? As It is pretty simple if you don't like technology go
towards MBA without any second thought. But if you are good in technology but
your peers are doing MBA that’s why you wanted to do MBA, please don't take
this step as at the end you are the only sufferer. So, take a wise decision in
which field you want to pursue but remember it is good if you pursue from top
college. Both fields have their own importance in market. Once you decided what
you want to pursue it easy to come at decision from where you have to pursue
just look into your pocket and choose college form India or Abroad :)
If you belongs to branches like mechanical then it is good to try for PSU or
IES jobs otherwise do MBA not MTech.
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