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Refresher Module IIITD

Refresher Module IIITD
Academic Building

Congratulations! as you are searching for this blog it shows that either you have taken admission or thinking to take in IIITD. If you are in either(just mentioned above) condition shows that you have not only qualified GATE but also secured good rank. 

Hi guys I am in a similar situation in which you are when I joined IIITD. I have taken admission as MTech student in CSE branch. At that time even, I have searched a lot but not found exactly what is Refresher Course?( other than this click here)
In this blog, I try to give glimpse whatever you are going to cover during Refresher Module.

Key Points:
      1.      What are the courses/module you are going to study?
      2.      What are the topics going to be cover in each course/module?
      3.      About Labs and Assignment
      4.   Quiz and Final Exam

Modules to study 
For MTech CSE, there are two modules to study DSA (Data Structure and Algorithm) and SP (System Programming). Each module consists of 100 marks and you need to secure passing marks in both otherwise you have to repeat that course next year. SP consists of 2 credits which is not counted in 48 credits (i.e. you need to get MTech degree). As course is mandatory to all the students but you can take leave even without informing as there is no attendance system for these courses. But It is advisable to miss lectures only when you know the topic because at the end you are the only sufferer if you don't understand that. In both courses marks are distributed in following ways: assignment, quiz, lab and final test. These courses are three-week course and mainly taught by PHD students. 

Topics you will cover in these modules 

DSA (Data Structure and Algorithm): 
      ·         Introduction to JAVA (Basic of Java) 
      ·         Operation on Linked List (Deletion, Traversal, Insertion, Reversal) 
      ·         Doubly and Circular Linked List 
      ·         Stacks and Queues 
      ·         Big 'O' notation 
      ·         Sorting and their analysis(HeapSort, QuickSort, MergeSort ) 
      ·         Priority Queue 
      ·         Recurrence Relations 
      ·         AVL Tree 
      ·         Graphs and their analysis (DFS, BFS, MST (Prims and Kruskal) and Topological) 
      ·         Dijkstra algorithm 

SP (System Programming): 
      ·         Linux (Basics and Shell Script) 
      ·         Linux File System and System Calls 
      ·         Process 
      ·         Concurrency pThreads 
      ·         Socket Programming 
  ·  Introduction to Java (Same as basic intro in DSA but here you will learn advance topics too like    collection, arraylist, linkedList etc ) 
      ·         Inheritance(in Java)  
      ·         Exception Handling (in Java)  
      ·         Concurrency Thread(in Java)  

Labs and Assignments: 
There are three-labs of two-hour in a week for DSA. In each lab you are provided with a problem and you have to solve that within two-hour. There is a foobar (It is like a codechef, techgig etc) on which you have to submit your problem within specified period of time. If you submit successfully (means all the test cases passed) then you will be highlighted with green color otherwise red color for that particular problem. There is HW assignment on every Saturday you have to solve problem given on foobar tentatively between 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM(i.e. 12 hours). Remember your code should be unique otherwise Plagiarism policy applied on you and IIITD have very strict policy against it. This is all about DSA Lab and Assignment. Now come to SP part there are assignment which you have to upload on backpack before their deadline and these assignments are reviewed by TA.  In SP, you are allowed to complete some assignments in pairs.  
Note: Students face little bit trouble in module SP if they are not familiar with Linux. Therefore, it is advisable not to miss SP lectures. 

Quiz and Final Exam: 
There are total three quizzes for both DSA and SP but only your best two quizzes counted for marks. On every Friday there is a quiz in which complete syllabus asked till that date, with omitting topics already covered in previous quiz. These quizzes are of 20 marks and may or may not contains negative marking depends on evaluator. Final exam consists of complete syllabus and max marks may vary, during my time it was of 40 marks for DSA and 50 marks for SP. Mostly DSA quizzes are based on writing code whereas SP quizzes are most likely MCQ type but don't think it does not consist of subjective questions. Although, all subjective questions can be answered in maximum 2 lines.  

Hope! it helps 😊. It is just to revise or brush-up of important topics what you have studied in So, don't think or worry much about refresher module just enjoy your victory🍔🍺.


  1. Thank you for the info. What is the duration of the refresher module?
    When can I expect M.Tech courses to start?

    1. It is just a 3 week course and for our batch it was started in first week of july'17. I don't remember the exact but it was either 23 or 24 july'17 when we have given final exam.

  2. thanks for the info.. But I'm little bit nervous because i don't know java. Is it compulsory to learn now or we will learn it in refresher module??

    1. Don't worry :) Learn basics it is all needed in refresher module after that you have to do assignments mostly in python. It is good if you start learning java now as they only cover concepts theoretically.

  3. Can i know about the details of ECE refresher module?

    1. I don't know now as I am from CS dept . But I will let you know once I asked to my ece friends.

  4. does anyone fail in refresher module?

    1. Refresher Module is just to revise whatever you studied in your BTech. Don't worry this is not going to be too difficult for you :) However, there is no-one who failed in my batch 2k17 -2k19


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